Tactics on Internet 3

asked this question on 8/28/2000

Note: On the now defunct Catholicism Forum some non Catholics used various tactics in order to make their opinions prevail. We offer this post here because these tactics are very common. It is wise to be cautious.


Dear Father.

I send this question as Anonymous and privately because I don�t want someone to tamper with the rating: I alone will rate your answer. You better be nice and tell me what I like to read (Just kidding)!

The second reason why I don�t send this to the board: I love and cherish my quiet. I don�t like receiving a bunch of disagreeable answers. They make me feel base because I can�t love those attacker. I�m just coward I guess. But you have my permission to put this on the board.

I�ve been reading the series: "Tactics on the Catholicism board." Gosh it�s an eye opener! Well it taught me some things:

- You can�t trust people. They say they are Catholic and aren�t.

- You have to be very cautious. You have to read their information

- There is no protection from the enemy not even on the Catholicism board

- You get attacks at all time. When will we get some quiet here?

- Reading the questions and answers I find myself judging the persons and asking myself: Is it pretense?

- I�m feeling like I lost my innocence and trust!

I found a quick way to read your Tactics. Instead of jumping from page to page I went to your Catholicism page under "previous answers" Boy do you answer. God bless you. You are one of my favorites!

So I had the "Tactics" on one page and it was easy.


Isn�t there a way to make it easy for a newcomer to identify the good apples and the bad ones?


After this eye-opener series I looked hard at the posts. I think I can contribute. Let�s see if I�m right.

If I�m wrong than I�ll have to say: "Forgive me Father for I have sinned".


There was a real innocent question about Orthodoxy.


The second question came first

The first question in second place

And later � poor chap or poor girl � his/her questions had disappeared!

All the time they were visible on the board.

That was ingenuous. People are compassionate.

Ant the poor chap/girl threatened to never come back!

Your eye opener training "Tactics on the Catholicism board" made me ask why?

Was it about distraction? Then I noticed the fact that every new question pushes questions off the first page. Newcomers won�t look at the second page. I don�t generally. It�s too much work. Getting on the board three questions on a row, that�s not bad.

I found a possible new trick. Nice try, isn�t it!

If it was about incompetent computer fumbling then I have to go to confession. But I read in your series about this incompetent fumbling simulation. So I may be wrong and I may be right.

But the trick is very possible.



I got an inspiration: I can imagine some more tricks:

The Anonymous questions or answers exploit prominently expressions generally used by your opponent hinting this way at some Machiavellian plan.

You can post as long as you put a valid e-mail.

The free e-mails are legion on the Internet.

You can put questions on the board under a million different aliases

Hey, I have an idea: someone puts a question I don�t like. I put questions on the board under different aliases � or you repeat your question or you pretend disingenuously that your question has disappeared � multiplying questions until the offending question passes to the second page so nobody will look at it again.

Additional possibility: For commodity�s sake I have on my HD the cookie that identifies myself on Askme.com. Let�s suppose I take this cookie out of my computer. Bingo! I can send multiple questions under multiple aliases to the board. Can I?



Isn�t I cute? Isn�t I sharp? Doesn't I deserve a medal and a parchment and a Ph.D. in Tactics?

I better finish because I�m loosing my sense of proportions.


Bye Father and God bless you



mscperu gave this response on 8/28/2000:

Dear private Anonymous.

The joy of the risen Lord be in your heart.

Your post has been inspiring. You have learned that there is no ongoing kindergarten not even on the Catholicism board. There is no respite. You have to be on your guard. And there is no easy foolproof solution. In Spanish we have a proverb: "Hecha la ley hecha la trampa � once the law is made the trap/trick is created too" (What do you think Prince Sapphire?)

The Lord Himself urges us to have patience (Mt 7:" 20 "So then, you will know them by their fruits. "). You could take out the good seed together with the weed. The Christian has to be innocent like the dove and intelligent like the serpent. That�s not losing your innocence (being pure in deed and thoughts); it�s losing your ingenuousness. The devil takes advantage of our being na�ve. So don�t be afraid. The Lord wants to give the discernment so that you can judge the spirit that is talking. Being sophisticated in the ways of the Lord is much better than being simpleton, which you are not or you wear it as a disguise. No offense.

You are not defenseless! Read about the weapons the Lord has given us (Eph 6:16). By the way you will find the quiet you are looking for only in the cemetery because there is no life. But in midst of the battle against the adversary you can relax because the fight is the Lord's.

You have shown discernment and then some! You don�t mind if I incorporate your findings in our future recipes regarding tactics on the board.

You are right. The possibility exists that the "Orthodoxy" questioner is guileless. I think he will forgive you if he reads what is going on. We well both make amends to him.

So God bless you




mscperu gave this follow-up answer on 8/28/2000:

Why don't you post your expos� on the board?

You can include my answer if you want.

I suggest the title:

"Tactics V incorporated" as an additionnal chapter by contribution.







 Where come these questions from?