Is a dialogue with Baptists possible?


Is a dialogue possible with the Baptist brothers in Christ? Do you have any posotive experience? I cite a Baptist publication.

"May 26, 1997 (David W. Cloud, copyright 1995, Fundamental Baptist News Service, 1701 Harns Rd., Oak Harbor, WA 98277) - The Roman Catholic Church published a new Catechism in 1992 in Latin and the English translation was completed in 1994. The following excerpts demonstrate without question that the Roman Catholic Church is apostate and cursed of God. Bible-believing people are commanded by God to separate from those who preach a false gospel. Some counter that not all Roman Catholics believe the following false doctrines. That might be so, but the fact is that the following is the most recent and most official declaration of true Catholic belief in print. If a professed Catholic does not agree with the following dogmas, he should not claim to be a Roman Catholic, because this IS Roman Catholicism.

The blasphemous dogmas of this official Catholic catechism reveal the blindness and wickedness of those "evangelicals" who are calling for closer relationships with Romanism.


It is interesting, in passing, to note that all Scripture references in this new catechism are cited from the Revised Standard Version or from the New Revised Standard Version. The fact that the chief Apostate "church" has put such an unhesitating stamp of approval upon the critical text and the modern versions thereof is evidence that those versions are corrupted.

Introduction by John Paul II:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the result of very extensive collaboration; it was prepared over six years of intense work. The project was the object of extensive consultation among all Catholic Bishops, their Episcopal Conferences or Synods, and of theological and catechetical institutes. As a whole, it received a broadly favorable acceptance on the part of the Episcopate. It can be said that this Catechism is the result of the collaboration of the whole Episcopate of the Catholic Church the harmony of so many voices truly expresses what could be called the "symphony" of the faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, lastly, is offered to every individual ... who wants to know what the Catholic Church believes.

"These statements put the lie to the popular idea that there is no one true Catholic dogma and that Romanism has no symphony of faith. It also proves that it IS possible for one to know and understand what Catholicism believes without being a trained Catholic theologian."

Then they cite numbers of the CCC regarding the Pope, Tradition and the Mother of God.


What I really want to know: Has there been an experience of a positive dialogue? It is not necessary bring up negative experiences, please. (I was tempted to write "need not apply"J )

Thank you





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