Chromosome Y of our Lord

abesmi@..., a user from, asked this question on 5/14/2000:

Where did Catholicism's unfathered Lord's Y (male) chromosome come from?

Dear abesmi@:

Thank you for trusting me with your question.

Now, before trying to quench your thirst of wisdom and knowledge I would like you to define from what "corner" you a shooting. You see if I want to communicate with a deaf person I use sign language, if I talk with a Frenchman I try to speak French. If I speak to the Frenchman with sign language it might be that he understands me because he learned it somehow. But the probabilities a very low that we might understand each other. Worse if I talk French to a deaf person. Well, he might have learned lip-reading in French, but the probabilities are much worse than in the other alternative. So I would like to know on what wavelength could we meet?

What does that mean? Well I would like to know if you are a believer (it would be nice to know your affiliation, the answer would be more geared to your way of understanding), or if you are an agnostic (somebody who does neither deny or affirm the existence of God), or if you an atheist who denies the existence of God, or if you are a militant one who believes that all believers are out of their mind. I would try to talk to you on your wavelength.

So please, be so kind and describe briefly your where and why and I'll do my utmost to answer you question.

In the meantime may God bless you?

In Corde Jesu


PD. Forgive my curiosity... what does abesmi mean?





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