Hans K�ng a great theological talent wasted


Question: What can you say about Hans K�ng? Is he a Christian Teacher?



The joy of the risen Lord be in your heart.

Your question, Sir, is a difficult one to give a precise answer to.

The answers you have received show that Hans K�ng is certainly not in accordance with the Catholic Church. A combative German Bishop who recently passed away characterized him as "a great theological talent wasted". But his discordance with the RC Church would not exclude that his theology be Christian. You can be both at the same time, heretic and Christian.

If you take a look at his "global ethics" he presents a "minimal consensus concerning binding values, irrevocable standards and fundamental moral attitudes." He offers a modern formulation of the Noah's precepts and has some difficulty to include the ozone layer and the ecology. No Christianism. But you could object that this is not theology but ethics. Perhaps you are right. And when you want a consensus you have to let out Christianity so everybody can agree.

There are people who say he denies the divinity of Christ. Would that mean that his theology is not Christian? If you take into account the expression coined by Karl Rahner of the "anonymous Christian" even denying Christ's divinity would not mean you are not a Christian. So his theology could be defined as Christian according the various pertinent definitions.

The answer to your question is dreadful and ominous: "It depends".

I think that is your fault. You didn't define the epithet "Christian". It would not have been easier to answer if you asked about the Catholic character of his theology. Because "Saint Thomas Christians" define him as Catholic and the Church says he isn't. So you see we would be forced anew to look at the precise definition.


In midst of all the polemics if you visit


you might find some signs of rapprochement.

Perhaps we can agree more on a humorous appreciation?


Hans Kung Pope?

It is rumored that before electing Msgr. Montini � who reportedly told this joke - the reunited Cardinals offered the Pontificate to Hans Kung. He declined giving the explanation that he could not renounce his infallibility.



Going to heaven.

Karl Rahner, Hans Kung and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger all die on the same day, and go to meet St. Peter to know their fate.

St. Peter approaches the three of them, and tells them that he will interview each of them to discuss their views on various issues.

He then points at Rahner and says "Karl! In my office..." After 4 hours, the door opens, and Rahner comes stumbling out of St. Peter's office. He is highly distraught, and is mumbling things like "Oh God, that was the hardest thing I've ever done! How could I have been so wrong! So sorry...never knew..." He stumbles off into Heaven, a testament to the mercy of Our God.

St. Peter follows him out, and sticks his finger in Kung's direction and "Hans! You're next..." After 8 hours, the door opens, and Kung comes out, barely able to stand. He is near collapse with weakness and a crushed spirit. He, too, is mumbling things like "Oh God, that was the hardest thing I've ever done! How could I have been so wrong! So sorry...never knew..." He stumbles off into Heaven, a testament to the mercy of Our God.

Lastly, St. Peter, emerging from his office, says to Cardinal Ratzinger, "Joseph, your turn." TWELVE HOURS LATER, St. Peter stumbles out the door, apparently exhausted, saying, "Oh God, that's the hardest thing I've ever done..."




PS. Do you really think that the Resurrection wasn't a historical event? What was it then?





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